This trail system located on the southwestern shore of Lake Placid consists of three trails loops – Boundary Trail, Ridge Trail, and Lakeshore Trail – bisected by an old dirt roadway. The trails wind over gently rolling terrain and are self-guided nature trails that may be explored using the brochures provided at the trailhead by the Lake Placid Garden Club. These trails are great for XC skiing or snowshoeing in the winter.
Peninsula Nature Trails trailhead: From the intersection of Routes 73 and 86 in Lake Placid, follow Route 86 toward the center of town and Saranac Lake. Continue to follow it as it swings left and climbs a short hill. Turn right on Peninsula Road — it looks like the entrance to a hotel, but you’ll see a large DEC sign for the trails — and follow it, bearing left at the next intersection. The trailhead and parking are on the left.Cross Country Ski
Trailhead Coordinates: (44.2996°N, 73.9948°W)
Corridor Trail: This trail is the initial trail that accesses the trail network. From the gate you descend slightly to a trail register. The trail continues to descend and eventually flattens out as it accesses the other three trails. It ends at the start of the Ridge Trail and is 0.75 mile in length, one way, 10-15 minutes travel time.
Boundary Trail: This trail is can also be considered a connector trail. It is relatively flat with little change in elevation. 0.9 mile in length, one way, 10-15 minutes travel time.
Ridge Trail: The trail starts from the end of the Corridor Trail and climbs steadily to the top of a long ridge. The trail then drops suddenly about 20 feet before moderately descending through a very attractive forest to the Boundary Trail. 0.7 mile in length, one way, 10-15 minutes travel time.
Lake Shore Trail: The trail follows the shore of Lake Placid before ending at a dam. The trail is much rockier and uneven than the rest of the trail, but is a highlight of the system. 0.4 mile in length, one way, 10-15 minutes travel time. This trail can be more difficult on XC skis.
Self-guiding Pamphlet (PDF) at ADK Family Time.